{{isCN==='true'?'“妈妈的拥抱”-胎儿监护仪 荣获Dezeen Awards China 2024 设志大奖产品设计一等奖':'\"Mom\'s Hug \"- Fetal Monitor won the first prize in product design at the Dezeen Awards China 2024'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'Dezeen Awards China 设志大奖是全球极具影响力的建筑和设计网站 Dezeen 主办的奖项,也是 Dezeen Awards 设计大奖推出的首个地区奖项。该奖致力于表彰中国最优秀的建筑、室内设计和设计作品,为中国的大小事务所及资深与新兴设计师提供展示平台。本届大赛设计类-产品设计版块共有四件作品进入决赛,经过陪审团的评选,由 GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃设计的作品——《妈妈的拥抱-胎儿监护仪》,荣获年度设计类产品设计一等奖!':'The Dezeen Awards China is an award organized by the globally influential architecture and design website Dezeen, and is also the first regional award launched by the Dezeen Awards Design Awards. This award is dedicated to recognizing the best architecture, interior design, and design works in China, providing a showcase platform for Chinese law firms, senior and emerging designers.There are four works in the design category - product design section of this competition that have entered the finals. After the jury\'s selection, the work designed by Dong Hesu, founder of GOODO Tanijima Design Firm - \"Mom\'s Embrace - Fetal Monitor\", won the first prize in the annual design category product design!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO \& LKOO MAGIC ONE 系列智能灯具即将亮相2025上海AWE展览会':'GOODO\&LKOO MAGIC ONE series intelligent lighting fixtures will soon be unveiled at the 2025 Shanghai AWE Exhibition'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'AWE 2025主题为 “AI 科技、AI 生活” ,作为全球三大顶尖的家电和消费电子展会之一,AWE2025将通过场景化展示智能产品、智慧家庭解决方案以及智能生活方式,更直观地呈现“AI科技”对生活品质带来的提升。':'The theme of AWE 2025 is \"AI Technology, AI Life\". As one of the top three home appliance and consumer electronics exhibitions in the world, AWE 2025 will showcase intelligent products, smart home solutions, and smart lifestyles through scenario based displays, presenting more intuitively the improvement of quality of life brought by \"AI technology\".'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“妈妈的拥抱”-胎儿监护仪 荣获Dezeen Awards China 2024 设志大奖产品设计一等奖':'\"Mom\'s Hug \"- Fetal Monitor won the first prize in product design at the Dezeen Awards China 2024'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'Dezeen Awards China 设志大奖是全球极具影响力的建筑和设计网站 Dezeen 主办的奖项,也是 Dezeen Awards 设计大奖推出的首个地区奖项。该奖致力于表彰中国最优秀的建筑、室内设计和设计作品,为中国的大小事务所及资深与新兴设计师提供展示平台。本届大赛设计类-产品设计版块共有四件作品进入决赛,经过陪审团的评选,由 GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃设计的作品——《妈妈的拥抱-胎儿监护仪》,荣获年度设计类产品设计一等奖!':'The Dezeen Awards China is an award organized by the globally influential architecture and design website Dezeen, and is also the first regional award launched by the Dezeen Awards Design Awards. This award is dedicated to recognizing the best architecture, interior design, and design works in China, providing a showcase platform for Chinese law firms, senior and emerging designers.There are four works in the design category - product design section of this competition that have entered the finals. After the jury\'s selection, the work designed by Dong Hesu, founder of GOODO Tanijima Design Firm - \"Mom\'s Embrace - Fetal Monitor\", won the first prize in the annual design category product design!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'甜甜圈休闲椅-荣获2024DIA中国设计智造大奖':'Donuts armhair-Awarded 2024 DIA'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'甜甜圈休闲椅-荣获2024DIA中国设计智造大奖':'Donuts armhair-Awarded 2024 DIA'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'甜甜圈休闲椅 - 荣获2024年第八届金腾奖年度产品设计大奖':'DONUTS Armchair - won the Product Design of the Year Award at the 8th JIN TENG AWARD 2024!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'《艾宝家具/NOW \& FUTURE 今致/甜甜圈休闲椅》,荣获2024年第八届金腾奖年度产品设计大奖!':'”EXPO CASA / NOW \& FUTURE / DONUTS Armchair”, won the Product Design of the Year Award at the 8th JIN TENG AWARD 2024!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'第二十九届中国国际家具展览会-完美收官':'The 29th Furniture China - Perfect Finale'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'9月13日上海新国际博览中心和世博展览馆圆满闭幕!':'On September 13th, the Shanghai New International Expo Center and the World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center closed successfully!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'EXPOCASA 艾宝家具 x 董合肃 x LKOO 展会完美收官':'EXPOCASA x Dong Hanson x LKOO Exhibition Finished Perfectly'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'董合肃 x LKOO 了酷 共同打造的MAGIC HALO系列产品与艾宝家具联袂登场,演绎光与家具的协奏曲。':'The MAGIC HALO series co-created by Dong Hanson x LKOO and EXPOCASA jointly performed a concerto of light and furniture.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'董合肃 x \"我和家具的故事\"':'Hanson Dong x <The story of furniture and me>'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'董合肃 x \"我和家具的故事\"':'Hanson Dong x <The story of furniture and me>'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO × EXPOCASA 艾宝家具 | 第29届中国国际家具展览会':'GOODO × EXPOCASA | The 29th Furniture China'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'grado 糯白椅——2024米兰设计周首秀':'grado \"Plump Lounge Chair\" ——Milan Design Week 2024'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO X grado 合作的产品”糯白椅“于2024 米兰设计周首次亮相':'GOODO X grado Collaboration \"Plump Lounge Chair\" Debuts at Milan Design Week 2024'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“Fetal Monitor 胎儿监护仪”荣获2024 iF DESIGN AWARD':'\"Fetal Monitor\" Wins 2024 iF DESIGN AWARD'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design 为捷美瑞设计的“Fetal Monitor 胎儿监护仪\"荣获德国 2024 IF 设计大奖':'Fetal Monitor \"by GOODO design office for Shenzhen Jamr Technology Co.wins 2024 iF DESIGN AWARD'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃荣获“第十九届光华龙腾奖·浙江省设计业十大杰出青年”':'Hanson Dong, founder of GOODO design, won the \"The 19th DDF AWARDS·Top Ten Outstanding Young People in the Design Industry of Zhejiang Province\"'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人\&设计总监董合肃荣获了“浙江省设计业十大杰出青年”的殊荣。这是对我们坚持从事设计行业十余载,并不断赋能产业创新发展的肯定。在新的一年里,我们也将继续努力,持续探索创新设计。':'Hanson Dong, founder and design director of GOODO design, won the honor of \"Top Ten Outstanding Young People in the Design Industry of Zhejiang Province\". This is an affirmation that we have persisted in the design industry for more than ten years and continue to empower industry innovation and development. In the new year, we will continue to work hard and continue to explore innovative designs.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“飘带 休闲椅”荣获 2023 陈设中国·晶麒麟 陈设艺术品奖——优秀奖':'\"Ribbon Armchair\" won the 2023 Art Display China·Crystal Kylin Awards Display Art Award - Excellence Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'第十四届【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典于2023年12月4日在北京举办,来自全国各地近400位行业专家、设计师、艺术家、媒体朋友齐聚一堂,共同见证中国陈设的高光时刻。':'The 14th [Art Display China·Crystal Kylin Awards] Awards Ceremony was held in Beijing on December 4, 2023. Nearly 400 industry experts, designers, artists, and media friends from all over the country gathered together to witness the development of Chinese furnishings. Highlight moment.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“沃驰合肥展厅:流态·次空间”荣获 第七届金腾奖——年度商业空间设计大奖':'\"Wushi Hefei Exhibition Hall: Flow State·Secondary Space\" won the 7th JinTeng Award-Annual Commercial Space Design Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'由设计师吴宏彬、林森、董合肃联合设计的 沃驰合肥展厅:流态·次空间 荣获 第七届金腾奖——年度商业空间设计大奖':'The Wushi Hefei Exhibition Hall, jointly designed by designers Wu Hongbin, Lin Sen, and Hanson Dong, won the 7th JinTeng Award - Annual Commercial Space Design Award for Flow and Subspace'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“甜甜圈”荣获 2023 Furniture Design 设计新品奖——年度新品奖':'\"Donuts\" won the 2023 Furniture Design New Product of the Year award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'在2023年中国国际家具展览会上,GOODO design 谷岛设计事务所 创始人\&设计总监 董合肃 为 NOW \& FUTURE 今致 设计的新品“甜甜圈”休闲椅荣获2023 Furniture Design 设计新品奖——年度新品奖。':'At the 2023 China International Furniture Fair, Dong Hesu, founder \& design director of GOODO design, won the 2023 Furniture Design New Product of the Year Award for the new design of the year designed by NOW \& FUTURE.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 荣获 TINTA金邸奖——优胜奖':'GOODO DESIGN OFFICE WINS TINTA——WINNER'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'TINTA金邸奖:TINTA金邸奖 空间美学新秀设计师大赛,自2011年创办以来,由台湾漂亮家居设计家媒体发起,以相信设计、是改变世界的力量为信念。 针对40岁(含)以下,亚洲青年新秀室内设计师所设立奖项。 以大赛为媒介,寻找新面孔、介绍新设计、推展新创意,为TINTA金邸奖的使命。 2022年起,将透过长期的设计师服务,与青年设计师展开更深度的联结,也期待新世代的青年设计师,以独特的沟通方式、崭新的设计策略,见微知著、解决问题,提供创新的空间体验。':'TINTA Award:The TINTA Award, Taiwan Interior New Talent Award, was founded in 2011 by My Home under the belief that design has the power to change the world. It is an award for young interior designers in Asia under the age of 40 years old (inclusive).TINTA seeks to find new designers, introduce new designs, and promote new creativities through competition. Starting in 2022, the TINTA Award will develop a deeper connection with young designers through long-term service for member designers. Young designers of the new generation will provide innovative space experience through unique communication methods, novel designing strategies, and by solving problems from the beginning.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“无限沙发”荣获2023 Architecture \& Design Community —— 金奖':'\"Infinite Sofa\" won the 2023 Architecture \& Design Community —— GOLD WINNER'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'我们一直在思考后疫情时代我们的生活方式是怎么样的,会有哪些变化。带着这些疑问我们以\"对话\"为主题,采用太极、无限符号∞为形态原形,通过正负形的解构设计建立人与人之间的一种对话。以家具为核心重塑一种新的生活形态,这款既是一款沙发也是一款休闲椅,你可以和你的小孩、家人、朋友在这款产品上进行互动、交流。产品的薄壳采用玻璃钢作为内部骨架,表面可以进行扪皮或油漆处理,球形弧面的外壳可以在地面上进行前后摇晃,增加产品的趣味性。内部配置不同大小及软硬度的抱枕,以形成产品的人机舒适性。':'This sofa is designed to bring closer the social distance between people in the post-pandemic era and bring about fun and surprises.It is inspired by the oriental Tai Chi Symbol that implies the philosophies of Yin and Yang as well as infinity and represents the balance between dynamic and static. One can rock back and forth on the sofa. At home, interacting with family members on the sofa can add fun to life. In a public place, rocking on the sofa can defuse the awkwardness between strangers. Nowadays, people tend to have their heads buried in their phones. That’s why more interaction with each other is encouraged.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“鸟居”荣获2023【金汐奖】 最佳坐具设计·休闲椅类别——卓越奖':'\"Torii\" won the 2023 [GOtrend] Best Seating Design and Leisure Chair Category - Excellence Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'“Torii”扶手椅的设计灵感来自于东方鸟居的建筑形式感,抽象的造型结合实木的榫卯结构工艺,使其形成稳定的支撑力学。椅子的实木框架融合自然界弧形的造型元素,有机曲线的设计语言,让木框更具纤薄、轻盈,与坐面形成一种如同建筑般的平衡感。扶手椅的座面及靠背采用悬空的设计,人坐上去之后有一定的弹性。座面包覆马鞍皮,让座面的视觉看起来非常薄。金属件嵌入木框,可以在金属件上镭射出品牌logo,带给用户更多的品牌信息及细节感受。“Torii”扶手椅可以在你的客厅陪伴你度过一个安静且舒适的下午,静谧、平和是作品给人的第一感受,它不仅是一款座椅,亦是空间中的一件雕塑。':'\"Torii\" Armchair is inspired by the architectural form of the oriental torii gate. The abstract model and the wooden mortise and tenon joints form stable support.The solid wood frame is naturally integrated with the curved elements. The design language, based on organic curves, brings out the fineness and lightness of the wood frame, which, in turn, generates an effect of architectural balance with the seat. Due to the suspended design of the seat and the back, one will feel the chair elastic when seating on it. Covered with saddle leather, the seat looks rather thin. Metal pieces are embedded into the wood frame, on which logos can be engraved with laser, thus presenting more brand information and details to users.On \"Torii\" Armchair, you may spend a quiet and cozy afternoon in your living room. Users are generally impressed by its tranquility and peace. It is not only a chair, but a sculpture in your space.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'展前预告:GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人\&设计总监董合肃先生,携手IDC国际设计师对接展、GOtrend 金汐奖和华意空间将一并亮相于深圳时尚家居设计周暨38届深圳国际家具展览会。':'Pre-show preview: Mr. Hanson Dong, founder and design director of GOODO Design, together with IDC International Designer Matchmaking Exhibition, GOtrend Jinxi Award and Huayi Space, will be unveiled at Shenzhen Fashion Home Design Week and the 38th Shenzhen International Furniture Fair.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人\&设计总监董合肃先生,携手IDC国际设计师对接展,以 SMART ISLAND 为策展主题,届时将呈现多件2023最新家具、装置设计作品。同时与GOtrend 金汐奖旗下《前进:座之试炼》设计师原创坐具展——Mr.Tree家具作品,也将亮相于13号馆D19。为华意空间家具品牌设计的2023春夏季新品“观海系列”也同期亮相于深圳时尚家居设计周暨38届深圳国际家具展览会。':'Mr. Hanson Dong, Founder \& Design Director of GOODO Design, joined hands with IDC International Designer Matchmaking Exhibition, with SMART ISLAND as the curatorial theme, and will present a number of the latest furniture and installation design works of 2023.At the same time, together with the GOtrend Jinxi Award\'s \"Forward: Trial of the Seat\" designer\'s original seating exhibition - Mr.Tree furniture works, will also be unveiled in Hall 13, D19.The new 2023 spring/summer \"Guanhai Series\" designed for Huayi Space furniture brand was also unveiled at Shenzhen Fashion Home Design Week and the 38th Shenzhen International Furniture Fair.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'杭州谷岛科技有限公司——GOODO 谷岛设计事务所,被评选为浙江省2022年度十佳工业设计企业。':'Hangzhou Goodo Technology Co., Ltd.--GOODO design--has been included in the 2022 Top 10 Industrial Design Enterprises in Zhejiang Province.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2023年2月27日,由浙江省工业设计协会主办的2022年度十佳工业设计奖评审会在梦栖小镇召开, 经5位专家评审,最终评选出2022年度十佳工业设计企业、十佳工业设计师、工业设计推进者。杭州谷岛科技有限公司——GOODO 谷岛设计事务所,被评选为浙江省2022年度十佳工业设计企业。':'The Review Meeting of the 2022 Top 10 Industrial Design Awards was held by the Zhejiang Provincial Industrial Design Association in Mengxi Town on February 27, 2023. Upon review by five experts, the 2022 Top 10 Industrial Design Enterprises, the 2022 Top 10 Industrial Designers, and the 2022 Industrial Design Promoters were finally selected.Hangzhou Goodo Technology Co., Ltd.--GOODO design--has been included in the 2022 Top 10 Industrial Design Enterprises in Zhejiang Province.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'于2023年2月26日在北京进行的2022年度【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典中, “70°茶几”在陈设艺术品奖类别中荣获银奖。':'70° Coffee Table was granted a Silver Award under the Furnishing Design Award at the 2022 Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards Ceremony in Beijing on February 26, 2023.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'于2023年2月26日在北京进行的2022年度【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典中, “70°茶几”在陈设艺术品奖类别中荣获银奖。让我们一起共赴“晶麒麟”的“观·见”之约!':'70° Coffee Table was granted a Silver Award under the Furnishing Design Award at the 2022 Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards Ceremony in Beijing on February 26, 2023. Let\'s join \"Crystal Kylin\" on the theme \"Outlooks \& Insights\"!'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO 谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃荣获“第四届新设榜·中国创新设计年度人物”':'Hanson Dong the founder of GOODO design ,won the \"4th Innovation design · China Innovative Design Person of the Year \"'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO 谷岛设计事务所 创始人\&设计总监——董合肃 荣获“2022 第四届新设榜·中国创新设计年度人物”。':'Hanson Dong ,Founder \& Design Director of GOODO design ,won the \"2022 4th Innovation design · China Innovative Design Person of the Year \"'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 荣获IWDA中国首个办公空间品类设计大奖':'GOODO design office won IWDA China\'s first office space category design award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2022年12月公布的年度办公空间创新设计大奖获奖作品名单中,《谷岛设计事务所办公室》从众多作品中脱颖而出,荣获2022年度IWDA 办公空间创新设计大奖——超小型办公空间 TOP5,将于“2022 广州设计周”期间举办颁奖典礼。':'In the list of winning works of the Annual Office Space Innovation Design Award announced in December 2022, \"GOODO design office\" stood out from many works and won the 2022 IWDA Office Space Innovation Design Award - TOP5 Ultra Small Office Space, which will be held in The award ceremony will be held during the \"2022 Guangzhou Design Week\".'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO | ELLE美妆之星 2022年NFT全新视觉动画形象及线下特别展':'GOODO | ELLE Beauty Star 2022 NFT new visual animation image and offline special exhibition'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design 谷岛设计事务所采用NFT的形式为2022年ELLE美妆之星推出全新视觉动画形象,并为其设计了线下特别展。':'GOODO design In the form of NFT ELLE Beauty Star 2022 launched a new visual animation image and designed an offline special exhibition for it.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'融合与共生设计中国行 — 深圳时尚家居设计周':'Fusion and symbiosis design china trip — SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃应邀参加融合与共生设计中国行 — 深圳时尚家居设计周,并以“产品与空间的融合”进行主题演讲,通过比例与细节、材料设计、文化气质、空间美学等来讲述产品或空间背后的故事。并被授予WWWE国际设计师联合会推广大使。':'Hanson Dong, founder of GOODO design Firm, was invited to participate in the Fusion and symbiosis design china trip — SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK,and gave a keynote speech on \"Integration of Product and Space\", telling the story behind the product or space through proportion and detail, material design, cultural temperament, space aesthetics, etc. He was awarded the WWWE International Federation of Designers Promotion Ambassador.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design 荣获2022第二届「设计中国」展设计作品 · 银奖':'GOODO design won the Silver Award for Design Works in the 2nd \"Design China\" Exhibition in 2022.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design 设计的《Bubble Chair泡泡椅》荣获2022第二届「设计中国」展设计作品 · 银奖。':'\"Bubble Chair\" designed by GOODO design won the Silver Award for Design Works in the 2nd \"Design China\" Exhibition in 2022.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'COMO FLora 沙发动画影片——荣获2022年意大利A\'Design Award 设计大奖':'COMO FLora sofa animation film - won the 2022 Italian A\'Design Award design award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design 为COMO 上海科默家具 设计的《Flora sofa》动画影片,从全球众多项目中脱颖而出。斩获电影、视频和动画类别的设计大奖(A\'DESIGN AWARD IRON WINNER)。':'The animation film \"Flora sofa\" designed by GOODO design for COMO Shanghai Comer Furniture stands out from many projects around the world. Design Award Winner in Film, Video and Animation(A\'DESIGN AWARD IRON WINNER)。'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 斩获德国Reddot红点奖、iF设计大奖双项殊荣':'GOODO design office won the German Reddot Red Dot Award and iF Design Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design凭借《GOODO谷岛设计办公室》设计作品分别斩获2022 Reddot德国红点产品设计大奖和2022德国iF设计大奖 (iF design award)。':'GOODO design won the 2022 Reddot German Red Dot Product Design Award and the 2022 German iF Design Award (iF design award) for the design works of \"GOODO Gujima Design Office\".'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 荣获IDA美国国际设计大奖':'IDA DESIGN AWARDS BRONZE WINNER 2021'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'《GOODO谷岛设计办公室》荣获IDA美国国际设计大奖 IDA DESIGN AWARDS BRONZE WINNER 2021':'GOODO design office — IDA DESIGN AWARDS BRONZE WINNER 2021'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 再获伦敦杰出地产大奖-铂金奖':'OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON (OPAL) 2021 PLATINUM WINNER'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 斩获美国室内设计年度大奖及中国室内设计2021金腾奖两项大奖':'GOODO design office won the Interior Design Best of year Awards 2021 and the China Interior Design 2021 Jinteng Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'由PLANCUT \& GOODO \& A.CAI 联合设计的室内作品《GOODO谷岛设计办公室》,凭借前瞻的设计理念与先进的制造工艺,荣获...':'The interior work \"GOODO design office\" co-designed by PLANCUT \& GOODO \& A.CAI, with forward-looking design concepts ...'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'他们用2957个零件组装出自己的办公室':'They assembled their own office with 2957 parts'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'一个空间即是一件产品,通过产品设计的视角,用2957个零件打造一个施工误差只有±2mm的办公空间是什么样的体验。':'A space is a product. From the perspective of product design, what is the experience of using 2957 parts to create an office space......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'泡泡椅荣获 2020中国设计红星奖':'RED STAR Design Award Winner 2020'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODOdesign谷岛设计作品-Bubble Chair 泡泡椅荣获20202020中国设计红星奖。':'GOODO design - Bubble Chair won the 2020 2020 China Red Star Design Award.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO斩获DIA中国设计智造大奖':'DESIGN INTELLGENCE AWARD WINNER 2020'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design谷岛设计作品-SURFING CAT救生手环荣获2020 DIA中国设计智造大奖。':'GOODO design - SURFING CAT won the 2020 DESIGN INTELLGENCE AWARD.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'莫吉托餐椅荣获2020亚洲设计大奖金奖':'Asia Design Prize Winner 2020'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design谷岛设计作品Mojito dining table-莫吉托餐桌荣获2020 Asia Design Prize亚洲设计奖金奖。':'GOODO design - Mojito dining table won the 2020 Asia Design Prize Gold Award.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2019中国设计红星奖':'RED STAR Design Award Winner 2019'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'Glimmer 微光、冲浪猫救生手环、图书自助借还设备荣获2019年度三项“中国设计红星奖”。':'Glimmer, Lifesaving bracelet, and Self-Service Book Borrowing And Returning Machine won three Chinese Design Red Star Awards in 2019.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'SURFING CAT 荣获2019台湾金点产品设计大奖':'Golden Pin Design Award Winner 2017'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'由 GOODO 团队设计的 SURFING CAT 防溺水手环荣获2019 台湾金点产品设计大奖。从“让世界再无溺水的人”...':'The SURFING CAT anti-drowning bracelet designed by the GOODO team won the 2019 Taiwan Golden Point Product Design Award.Starting from the vision ......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO DESIGN x 2019 上海国际家具展回顾':'2019 China International Furniture Expo'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2019年第二十五届中国国际家具展览会圆满落下帷幕,此次展会GOODO DESIGN 携手 NOW \& FUTURE 今致...':'In 2019, the 25th China International Furniture Expo came to a successful conclusion. The GOODO DESIGN team, together with NOW \& FUTURE, COMO and FASEM......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2018中国国际家具展':'2018 China International Furniture Expo'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2018年9月11日至14日,GOODO DESIGN STUDIO 携手艾宝家具旗下品牌 NOW \& FUTURE 今致,将在中国国际家具展览会...':'From September 11th to 14th, 2018, GOODO DESIGN STUDIO and Expocasa Furniture\'s brand NOW \& FUTURE will be presented again at Furniture China......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'Glimmer 荣获2018红点产品设计大奖':'Reddot Design Awards Winner 2017'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'由 GOODO design studio 谷岛设计团队打造的 Glimmer Table Lamp 斩获2018 Red Dot 德国红点产品设计大奖,这是...':'The Glimmer Table Lamp created by the GOODO design studio Tanishima design team won the 2018 Red Dot German Product Design Award. This is the......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'二十七届上海国际酒店用品博览会':'Shanghai International Hotel Supplies Expo'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'刚刚结束的第二十七届上海国际酒店用品博览会,GOODO design studio 携手双枪科技推出全新家居用品系列。':'At the just-concluded 27th Shanghai International Hotel Supplies Expo, GOODO design studio and SUNCHA Technology launched a new series of household products.'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'Hurricane Dining Table荣获2017金点奖':'Gold Idea Design Awards Winner 2017'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'刚刚结束的第二十三届中国国际家具展览会,GOODO design studio 携手艾宝家具推出2017全新家具品牌NOW \& FUTURE...':'At the 23rd China International Furniture Fair that just ended, GOODO design studio and Aibao Furniture launched the 2017 new furniture brand......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2017中国国际家具展':'2017 China International Furniture Expo'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2017年9月12日至15日,世界上最大的家具展览会之一 —— 中国国际家具展览会(Furniture China),将在上海新国际展览中心再度呈现。':'From September 12 to 15, 2017, one of the world\'s largest furniture exhibitions-Furniture China (Furniture China), will be presented again at......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'中国国际家具展览会':'China International Furniture Fair'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'2016中国国际家具展刚刚落下帷幕,GOODO design stuido携旗下原创家居品牌REMOOL润屋参加了本次展会,这也...':'The 2016 China International Furniture Fair has just come to an end. GOODO design stuido brought its original home furnishing brand......'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'德国红点设计大奖':'German Red Dot Design Award'}}
{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design studio设计团队作品“DU”休闲椅荣获2016德国红点设计大奖。':'The \"DU\" lounge chair by the GOODO design studio design team won the 2016 German Red Dot Design Award.'}}