{{isCN==='true'?'GOODO design office 再获伦敦杰出地产大奖-铂金奖':'OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON (OPAL) 2021 PLATINUM WINNER'}}

继荣获美国室内设计年度大奖 BEST OF YEAR AWARDS HONOREE 2021、中国室内设计2021金腾奖年度设计大奖两项大奖后,《GOODO谷岛设计办公室》再度收获伦敦杰出地产大奖-铂金奖 OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON (OPAL) 2021 PLATINUM WINNER。 —— 《GOODO谷岛设计办公室》由PLANCUT & GOODO & A.CAI 联合设计,凭借前瞻的设计理念与先进的制造工艺,从伦敦杰出地产大奖600多件入围作品中脱颖而出。作品以 “可持续性、环保”为核心理念,采用参数化设计、参数化加工的方法,以Q235B铁板为主材,通过激光切割完成部件加工,将施工精度控制在±2mm。整个空间由2957个零件组成,无需油漆,无需焊接。利用金属板榫卯结构与螺丝,由设计师们亲自动手完成,就像搭建乐高积木一样。

After winning the two awards of the American Interior Design BEST OF YEAR AWARDS HONOREE 2021 and the China Interior Design 2021 Jinteng Award Annual Design Award, "GOODO Design Office" once again won OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON (OPAL) 2021 PLATINUM WINNER. —— "GOODO Design Office" was co-designed by PLANCUT & GOODO & A.CAI. With forward-looking design concepts and advanced manufacturing techniques, it stood out from the more than 600 finalists of the London Outstanding Real Estate Award. The work takes "sustainability and environmental protection" as the core concept, adopts parametric design and parametric processing methods, uses Q235B iron plate as the main material, and completes the processing of parts through laser cutting, and the construction accuracy is controlled within ±2mm. The entire space consists of 2957 parts, no paint or welding is required. The use of metal plate tenon and tenon joint structure and screws are completed by the designers themselves, just like building Lego bricks.
