2020年10月19日,由浙江省政府支持推动,中国美术学院主办、中国工业设计协会和教育部高等学校工业设计专业教学指导分委员会共同协办的2020中国设计智造大奖举行颁奖典礼,典礼于中国美术学院,由葡萄牙著名设计师阿尔瓦罗·西扎设计的中国国际设计博物馆门前隆重举行,GOODO design谷岛设计作品-SURFING CAT救生手环,在来自全球范围内的7369件参赛作品中脱颖而出 ,荣获2020 DIA中国设计智造大奖,这是GOODO design谷岛设计荣获的又一项享有国际声誉的本土设计大奖。
The 2020 China Design Intelligence Award held an award ceremony. The ceremony was held in front of the China International Design Museum designed by the famous Portuguese designer Alvaro Siza at the China Academy of Art. Among the 7,369 entries in the competition, it stood out and won the 2020 DESIGN INTELLGENCE AWARD, which is another local design award with international reputation won by GOODO design.