{{isCN==='true'?'于2023年2月26日在北京进行的2022年度【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典中, “70°茶几”在陈设艺术品奖类别中荣获银奖。':'70° Coffee Table was granted a Silver Award under the Furnishing Design Award at the 2022 Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards Ceremony in Beijing on February 26, 2023.'}}

于2023年2月26日在北京进行的2022年度【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典中, “70°茶几”在陈设艺术品奖类别中荣获银奖。让我们一起共赴“晶麒麟”的“观·见”之约!

【陈设中国·晶麒麟奖】颁奖盛典这是一场让灵感自由释放的盛典,论设计三观,见万象生活。通过设计者对作品的解构、重新探索和挖掘,输出人文价值、艺术价值 、生活价值,从不同视角见证“设计者”的世界观、人生观、价值观,让听者对设计、艺术、人生进行自我思索,阅他人之长、交智慧之友、悦光阴之美。

70° Coffee Table was granted a Silver Award under the Furnishing Design Award at the 2022 Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards Ceremony in Beijing on February 26, 2023. Let's join "Crystal Kylin" on the theme "Outlooks & Insights"!

The Art Display China Crystal Kylin Awards Ceremony is a feast of inspirations and grand event embracing all values of designers. Humanistic value, artistic value, and life value are output by designers through the deconstruction, re-exploration, and penetration of their works. Designers' world view, view of life, and values are perceived from different perspectives. The audience is inspired to ponder on design, art, and life. This event allows us to learn from others, make wise friends, and appreciate the beauty of time.
