{{isCN==='true'?'融合与共生设计中国行 — 深圳时尚家居设计周':'Fusion and symbiosis design china trip — SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK'}}

谷岛设计事务所创始人董合肃应邀参加融合与共生设计中国行 — 深圳时尚家居设计周,并以“产品与空间的融合”进行主题演讲,通过比例与细节、材料设计、文化气质、空间美学等来讲述产品或空间背后的故事。并被授予WWWE国际设计师联合会推广大使。


Hanson Dong, founder of GOODO design Firm, was invited to participate in the Fusion and symbiosis design china trip — SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK,and gave a keynote speech on "Integration of Product and Space", telling the story behind the product or space through proportion and detail, material design, cultural temperament, space aesthetics, etc. He was awarded the WWWE International Federation of Designers Promotion Ambassador. Organizer: WWWE International Designers Ambassador. Co-organizers: QXNGT,Gui Zhou Mu Wen Shi,SHENZHEN CREATIVE WEEK. Cooperative media support: NetEase Home, Design CHina,Design Thinking, Beyond Architecture, ARCH-ive, Mefine,Curtain Wall Headlines. NetEase Home broadcast the whole process.
